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INI File | 1995-11-28 | 3.7 KB | 89 lines |
- [data]
- Version="3.10"
- [disks]
- x =. ,"Hercules Terminator(tm) Windows Display Drivers Diskette", tmrw1
- 1 =. ,"Microsoft Windows 3.1 Disk #1"
- [display]
- ; The string following the driver description specifies the screen
- ; resolution. It is used ONLY to match the system and OEM character sets
- ; with the display selection.
- ;
- ;profile = driver, Description of driver, resolution, 286 grabber, logo code, VDD, 386grabber, ega.sys, logo data, optional work section
- tmr = x:tmrpower.drv, "Hercules Graphite Terminator", "100,96,96", x:tmrvga.2gr, x:vgalogo.lgo, x:vddtmr.386, x:tmrvga.3gr, , x:vgalogo.rle, tmrdrv
- ; Optional sections listed in field 9 of the display secton are intrpreted as follows:
- ;
- ; File, Destination, .ini file, Section, LHS, RHS
- ;
- ; Where: x:File = Optional file to be copied, may be left null.
- ; Destination = 0: for windows root or 0:system for system subdir.
- ; .ini file = Optional Any .ini file to be modified or created.
- ; Section = Section of .ini file to be modified.
- ; OldLine = Optional old line to be removed from the ini file.
- ; NewLine = New text line to be written with the .ini file.
- [tmrdrv]
- ,,system.ini, Hercules, "resolution=", "resolution=640x480"
- ,,system.ini, Hercules, "colordepth=", "colordepth=8"
- ,,system.ini, Hercules, "fontsize=", "fontsize=small"
- ,,system.ini, Hercules, "linearaddr=", "linearaddr=64"
- ,,system.ini, Hercules, "dac=", "dac=525"
- ,,system.ini, Hercules, "pd_runm=", "pd_runm=0"
- ,,system.ini, Hercules, "BigMap=", "BigMap=0"
- ,,system.ini, Hercules, "desktop_x=", "desktop_x=0"
- ,,system.ini, Hercules, "desktop_y=", "desktop_y=0"
- ,,system.ini, Hercules, "DISPMODE=", "DISPMODE=640,480,8,640,480"
- ,,system.ini, Hercules, "fsResolution=", "fsResolution=off"
- ,,system.ini, Hercules, "fsResource=", "fsResource=off"
- ,,system.ini, Hercules, "display.drv=", "display.drv=tmrpower.drv"
- ,,system.ini, Hercules, "pitch=", "pitch=96"
- ,,system.ini, drivers, "DCI=", "DCI=RFMDCI"
- ,,system.ini, drivers, "VIDS.DRAW=", "VIDS.DRAW=UDH.DLL"
- [tmrvga.3gr]
- x:CGA40WOA.FON,x:CGA40850.FON
- x:CGA80WOA.FON,x:CGA80850.FON
- x:EGA40WOA.FON,x:EGA40850.FON
- x:EGA80WOA.FON,x:EGA80850.FON
- [sysfonts]
- x:vgasys.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution System Font", "100,96,96"
- x:8514sys.fon,"8514/a (1024x768) resolution System Font", "100,120,120"
- [fixedfonts]
- x:vgafix.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution Fixed System Font", "100,96,96"
- x:8514fix.fon,"8514/a (1024x768) resolution Fixed System Font", "100,120,120"
- [oemfonts]
- x:vgaoem.fon,"VGA (640x480) resolution Terminal Font (USA/Europe)", "100,96,96",1
- x:8514oem.fon,"8514/a (1024x768) resolution Terminal Font (USA/Europe)", "100,120,120",1
- [fonts]
- x:SSERIFE.FON, "MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
- x:SSERIFF.FON, "MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"
- x:COURE.FON, "Courier 10,12,15 (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
- x:COURF.FON, "Courier 10,12,15 (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"
- x:SERIFE.FON, "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
- x:SERIFF.FON, "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"
- x:SYMBOLE.FON, "Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
- x:SYMBOLF.FON, "Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"
- x:SMALLE.FON, "Small Fonts (VGA res)", "100,96,96"
- x:SMALLF.FON, "Small Fonts (8514/a res)", "100,120,120"